All posts by The Asp

New Release–Souria by Laird Ryan States


We’re pleased to announce the release of the new short collection by Laird Ryan States, Souria.

Souria is a collection of two short stories in his Sel Souris cycle, and an excellent jumping on point for readers in advance of the winter release of Sleeping Underwater, his first full length novel.

At the present time, Souria is available as an ebook on Amazon.  A print edition is forthcoming next week for those of you who prefer the ink on paper experience.

Souria can be purchased here on or here on  It is available as well through all international Amazon markets.

Souria is also available in print here at Lulu.

If you buy it, please review it.  Good or bad, reviews help independent authors gain traction in the marketplace.

Thanks for your support!

50 Shades of Spenser, Day 7


It’s Day Seven, and the end, of the 50 Shades of Spenser Contest
As the reward for a sales contest, Gayleen Froese, and her dog Spenser (the author of, and star of What The Cat Dragged In, our latest release from The ASP) are taking seven photos of themselves enacting famous books.
Today, Spenser portrays Scarlett O’Hara in Gone With the WindWe at The ASP, would like to thank everyone who participated in this little bit of fun, and again, our thanks to Val and Iain Little of the Clown Cartel, for their amazing assistance  with the shoot.
If you have yet to buy the book, I would suggest that you should go here: and do so.

50 Shades of Spenser, Day Six

s6It’s Day six of the 50 Shades of Spenser Contest.

As the reward for a sales contest, Gayleen Froese and her dog Spenser (the author of, and star of What The Cat Dragged In, our latest release from The ASP) are taking seven photos of themselves enacting famous books.

Today, finally, they enact the book this contest was named for…and it gets weird.

If you have yet to buy the book, I would suggest that you should go here and do so.

And, seeing as you’re here, you know…have a look around, buy Ryan’s book too.

50 Shades of Spenser, Day 5

Hello all, and welcome to Day 5 of the 50 Shades of Spenser photoshoot. As the reward for a sales contest, +unnamed (5)Gayleen Froese and her dog Spenser (the author of, and star of What The Cat Dragged In, our latest release from The ASP) are taking seven photos of themselves enacting famous books.

Today they have taken the roles of Lenny and George from the classic Of Mice and Men.

If you have yet to buy the book, I would suggest that you should go here and do so.

While you’re here, you should buy mine as well, and just look around.


50 Shades of Spenser, Day 4

unnamed (4)Good Morning, Internet.  Bienvenidos a Day 4 of of the 50 Shades of Spenny Photoshoot.  As the reward for a sales contest, Gayleen Froese and her dog Spenser (the author of, and star of What The Cat Dragged In, our latest release from The ASP) are taking seven photos of themselves enacting famous books.

Today they are either re-enacting the Dr. Seuss classic, One Dog Two Dog, Red Dog Blue Dog, or a mid 80’s synth band album cover.  You be the judge.

If you have yet to buy her rather wonderful little tale, Spenser thinks you should go here and do that.

While you’re here on the site, you should buy mine as well, and just look around.

That dog has loads of opinions.  I’m just his puppet.

50 Shades of Spenny, Day 3

s3Happy Wednesday It’s Day 3 of the 50 Shades of Spenny Contest.

As part of a sales contest a short while ago, Gayleen Froese, author of the newest release from The ASP, What The Cat Dragged In, and her dog Spenser (the lead character, as it happens, of that same book) are posing to recreate several iconic books. Because it’s fun, that’s why.

You can find out more about her book, and buy it by heading over here-ish.

I, personally, think you should buy it.  I did.

Today, Gayleen is Marley’s ghost, and Spenser is Mr. Ebenezer Scrooge.  Enjoy.

50 Shades of Spenny, Day 2

s2Good morning everyone.  First things first, the 50 Shades of Spenny Contest is now over, and the prize of a signed copy of What The Cat Dragged In (and something special, will be awarded to….Kim Johnson and her boy Chewie.  Congratulations.

Also, I’m happy to show Day 2 of our promised photoshoot.  For the next several days, as fulfillment of a sales contest, Gayleen Froese (author of What The Cat Dragged In) and Spenser Q. Dog (main character of What The Cat Dragged In), are reenacting several famous novels.

Today Gayleen plays the part of Alice, and Spenser, the Mad Hatter.


If you’ve not purchased your own copy of the book, well, honestly, what is wrong with you?  It’s an awesome Noir mystery, that happens to star a dog.

Go here, and do so.

And hey, buy the Laird’s too.  Why not?

Angus as Superman, Chewie as Spiderman

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Hi guys.  One last photo for the 50 Shades of Spenny contest comes to us from  Mark Brundson.  This is Angus as Superman and Chewie as Spiderman.
Gayleen and Spenser will decide who won, tomorrow.  The winner receives a signed copy of What The Cat Dragged In, the latest release from The ASP.
If you haven’t purchased What The Cat Dragged in, please head to

50 Shades of Spenny, Day 1

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It gives me great pleasure to present the first in the seven photo shoot for 50 Shades of Spenny.  About a week ago, Gayleen Froese and Spenser agreed to take a photo of themselves re-enacting a famous novel (and NOT, he said, under threat of violence, a favorite), for every copy of What The Cat Dragged In sold in a short period of time.This is her making good on that promise.

Today we show Gayleen and Spenser as Mrs, and Norman Bates.
If you like this shot, and haven’t bought it yet, you should definitely read Spenser’s first case in What The Cat Dragged In, available from The ASP here.
While you’re here, have a look around.  Buy my book also.
I’m not proud.  I’ll shill.  Watch me shill.
Oh, and, my god, we so could not have done this so well without the assistance of Val and Iain Little and the Clown Cartel 

Archer as Iron Man

image Hi guys.  Today’s photo for the 50 Shades of Spenny contest comes to us from Stephanie Height.  

This is her young fellow Archer dressed as both Iron Man, and Tony Stark.  

Gayleen and Spenser will decide who won.  The winner receives a signed copy of What The Cat Dragged In (and a little something else), the latest release from The ASP.

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In a few moments I’ll be posting the first of the promised photos of Gayleen and Spenser.

If you haven’t purchased What The Cat Dragged in, please head here and pick your chosen format.  It’s a great book.  Seriously.